Wholesale Showroom Tips For Your Business


A well planned showroom can help unleash the potential of your wholesale business.

Below are five tips that can enable you to supercharge the sales of your showroom.

#1 Make sure that your showroom is well lit. If need be, you can use portable LED lights, which can be rearranged as your needs change.

#2 Have all your samples properly displayed. It's only human to focus on displaying your best selling products, or the products that you expect your customers will be interested in. The reality is that there are customers for all types of products, and even your least popular products can unexpectedly appeal to your customers.

#3 Have comfortable chairs for your customers. Your customers might have just driven for hours, or flown from another country, and they will appreciate the opportunity to rest and relax as they do their shopping.

#4 Make sure that you have enough products to offer, unless you are building your wholesale business on one specific product. If you are just starting out, you can obtain merchandise samples from other wholesalers. As you receive orders, you can then order the products that you need from your network of suppliers.

#5 Use mannequins, display art, and photography. If you can, ask your current customers to send you pictures of your products in their shops. This way your showroom visitors can see how popular your products are. By displaying customer pictures of your products, you will also help your wholesale buyers better visualize how your merchandise will look in their boutiques.