What to Look For at Zenana


If you have never used Zenana before, you may not know what to expect. This site is a virtual mall that is perfect for leisure shopping. They have everything from trendy novelty to basic fashion basics. Even the shop assistants can help you navigate the store. But, before you buy anything, make sure you read our tips below. We have listed down some of the most popular items to look for when shopping online. You can also check out our Fashion basics and trendiest products to find the perfect new wardrobe!


The word "Zenana" literally means "of the women" or "pertaining to women" in the Persian language. This term is reserved only for female household members. If you are one of these women, you will want to be sure that you use the word properly! Here are some tips on how to do so! Here are some common uses for the word "Zenana."

The word "Zenana" means "of the women." Using this word to describe your job title should make you feel empowered and positive about the organization. The culture at ZENANA is very supportive and encouraging. However, you should expect that you will need to apply yourself to get ahead. This company is not for the faint-hearted and doesn't provide much support. If you're looking for a place where you can make your dreams come true, this might not be for you.

The first Zenana missions were run by Christian Missionaries in India. This system was intended for Muslim women of higher caste. Because these women were considered "untouchable" and untouchable by society, male missionaries could not go into the quarters of other women. However, female missionaries were able to preach the Gospel to the women and this prompted the development of more missions. Eventually, this system was adopted by the Hindu society of Bengal.