The Average Sales Representative Salary at NMBWholesale


If you are looking for a wholesaler in South Carolina, Nmb Wholesale may be the right choice for you. This company is located at 2227 Hwy 9 E, Longs, SC 29568. It is listed under the wholesaler category and has received 285 reviews from customers. You can read 285 customer reviews to know more about their service. This company is rated 3.5 stars out of 5 stars by consumers.

Average salary

Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, Except Technical and Scientific Products make an average annual salary of $99,270. While the salary range may be a little higher or lower, it still represents a respectable income. You can expect to earn at least $60,000 per year working for NMBWholesale. To learn more about the salary range for this position, read on! The table below contains average salary ranges for Sales Representatives at NMBWholesale.

Salary range

The average salary at Nmb Wholesale Llc is $315,335. However, salaries can vary widely and can depend on the location, department, and skills of an individual. For example, salaries can vary from $278,322 to $357,435.