Round Eye Supply SIC Code and General Liability Class


Have you been thinking of buying a prescription eyeglasses online and are wondering if Round Eye Supply is legit? Read on to discover more about Round Eye Supply's SIC code and general liability class. Then, you can purchase them without any worries. You can read more customer reviews on Round Eye Supply. Its SIC code and general liability class are mid-range, and the website has many positive testimonials from customers.

Round Eye Supply

The Round Eye Supply industry includes establishments that are primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of eyewear and related supplies, and in the retail sale of new goods in general merchandise stores. Excluded from the Round Eye Supply industry are discount department stores, warehouse clubs, superstores, and other establishments that sell other lines of products. There are many types of establishments in the Round Eye Supply industry, but only a few are listed here.

Its SIC code

The SIC code for Roundeye Supply is 7603. This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of equipment and supplies to other businesses, and retail sales of new goods to consumers in general merchandise stores. It excludes department stores, discount department stores, warehouse clubs, and superstores, and includes other lines in limited amounts. A company's revenue can be estimated by calculating its SIC code.

While choosing SIC codes, you should always keep in mind that a wrong code can label your business as a high-risk enterprise. This can affect your insurance premiums, ability to obtain financing, and your credit limits. While this may sound like dishonest behavior, it is a legitimate option that can make your business more fundable. If you're still unsure of which SIC code is appropriate for Roundeye Supply, contact the Securities and Exchange Commission for more information.

Its general liability class

The general liability class for Round Eye Supply includes establishments that are primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of equipment and supplies, retailing new goods in general merchandise stores. Excluded from this industry are department stores, discount department stores, warehouse clubs, and superstores. Other lines of business are included in limited quantities. Round Eye Supply is located at 4037 Highway 5 in Douglasville, GA 30135. The following table details Roundeye Supply's general liability class.

The general liability class code assigned by insurance carriers is determined by the type of work being performed. Each type of business is assigned a different risk premium based on the nature of the work it performs. The general liability class code will help the insurance carrier determine how much to charge for general liability coverage. To find out your class code, click on the image below and scroll down until you find the information you need. Alternatively, you can also visit the insurance company's website to view its general liability class codes.