Nike Vs. Reebok: Which Wholesale Sneaker Is A Better Product?


Nike Vs. Reebok: Which Wholesale Sneaker Is A Better Product? 

Nike and Reebok, without any doubt, whenever a retailer is looking to buy wholesale sneakersthese two footwear brands are bound to come into mind and quite likely so because they are the two of the most renowned and reputed sneaker brands out there. 

But who provides the best wholesale sneakers when it comes down to Nike Vs Reebok? If you are wondering the same question, then this article is made for you. As in this article, we will break down everything regarding Nike & Reebok sneakers so that you can finally answer which sneakers are the best for your store, Nike or Reebok. 

Nike Sneakers Overview 

Nike is one of the most recognized sneakers brands globally and without any doubt one of the best. Starting in late 1966, this all-American shoe brand rose to frame in the early 70s due to its fashionable and flexible take on shoes.  

And with extensive media exposure and celebrity athletes supporting the brand, Nike has become the brand for sneakers if you want to have a fashionable, high-performing sneaker with lots of features to make your life more comfortable and easy.   

Reebok Sneakers Overview 

Reebok started its journey from England around 1958, but this brand’s history is a bit complex as it has recently been sold by Adidas after being brought in 2006. And although Reebok didn’t have the best marketing strategy, it is still regarded as one of the best sneaker brands for many professionals and enthusiasts alike. 

More focused on performance, Reebok sneakers provide the ultimate sneaker experience regarding the reviews of many users. And it also stands out design-wise for many sneaker lovers. 

What Makes a Sneaker Good? 

Before diving into what makes the sneakers from both brands stand out and finding who’s the best, let’s look at the qualities that define whether a sneaker is good or bad for its users. 


The most crucial factor for any shoes and especially sneakers, is how much they can support a user’s feet. Because sneakers are highly versatile and used in many sports, along with running & and walking, these activities pressurize a user’s feet than any other activities. And without proper support, unwanted accidents & injuries are always a possibility 


A sneaker has to be flexible. A rigid shoe won’t be of much use when you are doing highly energetic activities like running or jumping. Therefore, if it doesn’t offer flexibility, it isn’t a proper sneaker, that’s for sure.  

Sole and Traction 

We use sneakers for sports and running activities in general, and for these scenarios keeping our balance at high speed is a must. But that won’t be possible if your sneaker’s sole doesn’t provide you with enough traction to work with. And that’s why a sneaker with good traction is better than every other competitor. 


Durability is necessary for any product, and for sneakers, it’s a must because we use them on a regular basis.  


Cushioning is a top priority for finding the best sneaker for yourself because, at the end of the day, if it’s not comfortable, then it’s not the best sneaker for you, no matter how good the features are. 


And last but not least, a good sneaker must protect your feet at all costs; otherwise, why even bother with going a sneaker in the first place?  So, we can’t call a sneaker good unless it provides the protection that we need. 

And these are the primary factors that a sneaker brand needs to provide in order to assert the idea that their sneakers are the best. So how do Nike and Reebok fare with these factors? Let’s take a look, shall we? 

Nike vs. Reebok 


For the base of the sneaker’s material, both brands use the same two core components: polyester & rubber. But that’s where similarities end as Nike prefers to add some of their unique materials in the mix like EVA foam, ZoomXflyknit fabrics and many more. 

While Reebok keeps it simple while also tries to be eco-friendly by using recycled materials as much as possible.  


Many factors come into play when figuring out the build quality of sneakers, and both Nike and Reebok produce high-rated products. 


For overall support, Nike is superior compared to Reebok because Nike sneakers provide the little extra bounce and cushioning that Reebok doesn’t cover. And in a battle between these two industry giants, this slight difference allows Nike to gain more customers regarding overall support. 

And while Reebok does provide ankle and arch support, it fades over time compared to Nike. 


Both sneakers are on equal ground when it comes to flexibility. But Reebok has a slight advantage over Nike here as some of Nike’s sneakers tend to press out of shape towards wide areasIn contrast, Reebok doesn’t have any issues like this at all. 

But then again, Nike has the reputation of being able to produce the most balanced athletic sneakers in the industry too. So, it more comes down to your preference. 


When it comes to traction, most customer reviews crown Nike as the winner due to advanced traction technologies like ZoomX and unique sole design. But Reebok isn’t far behind as they also ensure that you have complete control over traction. 


Nike has a notorious record of producing low-durable sneakers, but their premium lineup begs to differ that claim. On the other hand, Reebok is recognized as one of the best brands that provide highly durable sneakers for every price point. 


Cushioning has always been one of Nike’s strong suits. And with their flyknit fabrics being introduced recently, Nike has become one of the most comfortable sneaker providers in the industry, and even though Reebok does an excellent job at cushioning, it still can’t come to the comfort level of Nike.  


Both of the brands do provide an ample amount of protection, but Reebok’s overall build allows much greater protection compared to Nike. 


The price of sneakers regarding both brands is almost the same, but Nike’s pricing is slightly higher than Rebook. But considering the stylish look and unique features that Nike offers, it is understandable. 

Customer Satisfaction 

Customers from both of these brands adore the quality of the sneakers and what they are getting for the price. But various surveys show that users of both types of sneakers rate Nike higher than Reebok. 

Who’s Better: Nike or Reebok? 

So, in the end, it all comes down to the user’s preference regarding these two brands. For style, comfort and features, Nike is the clear winner. But if you want a more durable and athletic feel, the Reebok is the better choice. 

But in our opinion, factoring in everything discussed so far, we pick Nike as the winner by slight margins. 


Nike Vs. Reebok has been a debate for many, and the answer varies from user to user. Because to be honest, both are equally balanced, and it’s up to you to pick the one you find the most suitable for you. So, best of luck choosing!