Lisa Jepsen - CEO of Garson & Shaw LLC


Are you concerned that the company you are looking at is not a legitimate entity? Then you may want to check out Lisa Jepsen's LinkedIn profile. You can also read more about the company and what they do. You'll also find out how much money the firm makes. Here's a breakdown of their revenue and industry. Hopefully these facts will help you make an informed decision about the company. And if you are unsure, you can always read up on Garson & Shaw LLC.

Lisa Jepsen's position at Garson & Shaw LLC

Lisa Jepsen is the CEO of Garson & Shaw LLC, a company that was founded in 2000. She has six months of experience as the CEO. To know more about Jepsen, you can access her LinkedIn profile and email address. You can also find her phone number at the company HQ. David Dallas is another notable colleague of Lisa Jepsen.

Lisa Jepsen's LinkedIn profile

For those of you looking for Lisa Jepsen's LinkedIn profile, you've come to the right place. Jepsen works for the law firm Garson & Shaw LLC, and is currently the President and Chief Executive Officer. She has six months of experience as CEO, and her LinkedIn profile contains links to her company's email address and phone number. Jepsen has a number of colleagues who work with her, including David Dallas, the CEO of Garson & Shaw.

Garson & Shaw LLC's revenue

The Garson & Shaw LLC is an Atlanta-based real estate firm with between 26 and 41 employees. They generate revenue from 2.5 million to 3.7 million each year. Their revenue is derived from various sources, some of which are not up-to-date, accurate, or complete. Transcredit makes no warranties with respect to the information provided by these sources. If you are considering hiring a real estate firm, be sure to read up on their revenue, staff, and other important information.

The parent company of the Garson & Shaw LLC is the Jacaranda Books chain. This New York-based company generates around $5.2 million in revenue per year from its stores. Garson & Shaw employs twenty workers at one location and engages in import and export activities. The company is owned by a woman and is headquartered in New York. There are currently no other companies in the same industry as the Garson & Shaw LLC.

Garson & Shaw LLC is a private company that employs a diverse set of individuals. Unlike other public companies, this company does not file financials with the Registrar of Companies. However, the firm pays its employees competitive wages. The revenue of Garson & Shaw, LLC is estimated to be between 2.5 and 3.7 million dollars annually. It is not yet known how many employees are employed by the company, but it pays them well.

Garson & Shaw LLC's industry

Many real estate firms operate in niches, such as commercial real estate, and Garson & Shaw LLC covers the entire spectrum of the industry. Its substantial funding and multiple revenue streams set the company apart from its competitors. Here are the key points to consider as you assess the firm. Also, be sure to check out the company's employees' LinkedIn profiles and email addresses. These are good indicators of their capabilities.

The company is owned by the Jacaranda Books chain. Its industry sector is Miscellaneous Retail. Its one location employs about 20 people, and the company is estimated to make $5.2 million in annual revenue. As a woman-owned business, it is also involved in import and export activities. Its headquarters are in New York. This information is based on company data available on its website.

The average hourly wage at Garson & Shaw, LLC is $1,519, but the exact amount is dependent on experience, education, and location. This is because there is a wide range of pay within the same industry, and each individual's salary can differ considerably. The average salary range is $2,787,100 to $3,565,792.