How to Speed Up


The website has 17 requests per second, which is way too much. There are several ways to speed up the page. First, you can combine multiple CSS and JavaScript files into one. This will reduce the number of requests and speed up page load time. This is especially important if your website has lots of different pages that use the same CSS and JavaScript files. There are also ways to make your website more secure. In addition, you should also optimize your content and images for the speed of loading.

Website design

After using a platform called Creator to develop their new website, Warehouse One's creative design team no longer needs outside resources to create web pages. Their external outsourcing costs were reduced by 30%. The warehouse management team is now free to work on new projects instead of maintaining and developing existing ones. This means they can focus more time on their core business and looking forward to the holiday season of 2021! The website's design team enjoys the ease of use and shoppable links offered by Creator.

Website content

With the help of Creator, Warehouse One is able to update their website content frequently and easily. The no-code platform has allowed them to add carousels to their homepage and create landing pages for times like the COVID-19 pandemic. Warehouse One's lean creative design team is excited about the flexibility of the platform, shoppable links, and interactive elements. To achieve this, the creative team has created a number of custom themes and added custom content.

Website speed

There are many ways to improve the speed of your website, but the most basic of these is image optimization. Image optimization can reduce your website's image size by 118.4 kB - approximately 39% of its volume! There are several tools available for image optimization, including Jpegoptim and PNG Crush. Minifying JavaScript can also improve the speed of your website by 2.3 kB - or 72% of its original size.