How To Publish Your Kindle Book On Amazon


Perhaps you've already tried to publish an e-book and failed, or perhaps you're just getting started. Either way, you've come to the right place because you are about to learn steps to writing and publishing an eBook on the Amazon Kindle.  

These 10 steps will walk you through everything you need to know to publish your eBook, from book design to writing a book, formatting an eBook, and publishing to the Amazon Kindle. We'll first go over the steps to quickly create and publish your book, then go over how we got through each of those steps, what resources we used, and what tips or tricks we learned along the way. So, before choosing a book title, read articles on how to do it and check out available free online publishing courses that walk you through the entire process.  

For the author name, enter the name under which you want to publish, the name you will use on the cover of the book. Fill out the form, including the book title, description, and keywords that people will search for your book. Enter all the details for your book, including content downloads, covers, and finally pricing and publication choices.  

If you don't have one, this is the first step you need to follow to learn how to publish your eBook on Amazon. How to create your own Kindle book On the KDP webpage, click Library at the top of the page.  

Whether your book is published by a traditional publisher or an independent author, Amazon allows you to create such an author page. Every Amazon page in your book links to this very useful marketing tool, which is why it links to other books you publish. On your author page, readers can even register to receive email notifications from Amazon when you publish a new book.  

Tip To add more categories to your book list, please contact Amazon through Author Central after the book is published. Amazon wants to find your book, so it provides specific categories to place your book. Oh, and the best way to find a list of bestsellers is to type Books or Kindle Store in the drop-down list in the Amazon search bar, leave the search bar blank, and press Enter. Keep in mind that Apple does not accept books with Amazon links, so you can (A) work exclusively with Amazon (probably the best choice for independent industry novices), (B) have a different mobi (Kindle) from your files document. epub (Apple, Google, Kobo, and everyone else) or (C) create such a login page for readers to choose their store.  

So, for example, if you create a printed book through Amazon KDP (the best starting point), Amazon will handle it for you. When you post on Amazon for the first time (perhaps the only one), you concentrate your sales in one place and you can make your way to the bestseller list faster. Yes, you can publish articles, see your information spread, and make a lot of money using only your keyboard and brain.  

Therefore, to reduce your anxiety and uncertainty, we've created this detailed step-by-step self-publishing guide so you can publish your book to the Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing Network. While traditional publishing has passed and was once the only option for publishing a book, the system now in place is for the next Stephen King, not for those with value to share with the world. Successful self-publishing authors are wreaking havoc with the self-published Amazon books that made it popular, and there's no reason you can't do the same with the Amazon Kindle book publisher. Download our How to Publish to Amazon Guide to get answers to your publishing questions and get the most out of your Amazon book sales.   

With Amazon Self-Publishing, you can reach the largest book audience in the world and earn up to 70% of your eBook royalties. There are over 20,000 categories on Amazon, and finding the right category for your book is an important step when you learn how to publish your eBook on Amazon. If you plan to publish multiple books, I recommend purchasing a block of 10 or 100 ISBNs.  

KDP Select registers your book with Kindle Unlimited and gives you additional marketing options like Kindle Countdown, but the digital version of your book must be Amazon-exclusive. If you choose to work exclusively with Amazon by subscribing to KDP Select, you will have the option to schedule Kindle Countdown promotions that give you the ability to rate your book at a low cost or free for 7 days every 90 days. ... Amazon will promote these offers, and if you choose the $ 0.99 option, you will still receive 70% royalties (instead of the usual 35%).   

Regardless of participation in KDP Select, authors who self-publish to Amazon via KDP also receive 70% royalties on books ranging from $ 2.99 to $ 9.99 and 35% royalties on books that cost from $ 2.99 to $ 9 , $ 99 more or less. Authors receive royalties ranging from 35% to 70% of the sale price, depending on whether the book is sold through KDP or through another Amazon service called KDP Select (see below for more details).    

It is just a digital book file format used by Amazon, and it is suitable for all Kindle devices. If the book is simple in structure and you created it in Microsoft Word or other popular publishing tools, click to download the e-book manuscript and select a file. If you want to make sure that your book is in the correct format, you can use the free Amazon Kindle Create program to prepare your manuscript-click the link to download the program, and then edit the manuscript file before downloading. You can even use the CreateSpace service to create a printable version of an e-book from an e-book version.   

Publishing an ebook on Amazon is free, but you'll still want to make an initial investment in professional services like cover design and formatting to get the book ready for publication.