How to Find African Beads Wholesale


The history of African Beads began in Africa, where they were used as currency by natives. Today, thousands of people around the world value the craft, crafty beauty, and experience that comes with this bead. And because these beads have traveled great distances, their makers continue to create new ones. But how do you find wholesale African beads? Here are a few tips. Let's start with some basics.

Trade Beads

There are many different reasons to buy African Trade beads. Some of these reasons are financial. European explorers needed currency to trade with Africans. Because they did not have money, they sought items that would be easily traded and transported. As such, the bead trade flourished in Africa for nearly 400 years. However, there are a few things to keep in mind when buying African trade beads. To avoid being ripped off, be sure to consider the quality and age of the beads.

The value of African trade beads increases each year, due to their rarity and history. They were once used as currency, and some of the beads were over 25 years old. The beads are often used in necklaces and other jewelry. You can also buy them as collector's items. Some of these beads are also used in jewelry, which makes them particularly desirable. In addition to their use as currency, African Trade Beads are often incredibly beautiful, unique, and have a traditional, old-world look.

These beads were also traded in Europe and are now considered antiques. Although African Trade beads aren't as valuable as genuine antiques, they are still real handcrafted crafts that appeal to many jewelry makers. In addition to their value as a currency, African beads were also used to store wealth. As a result, the demand for these items has increased considerably. The demand for African Trade beads has led to a large catalog of designs.

In addition to their historic significance, African Trade beads are used for jewelry. Some of these ancient beads were used as currency between continents. Early Europeans used them to trade slaves. In the 19th century, they were also used in the Native American jewelry trade. Historically, African Trade beads were traded for goods, services, and slaves. Today, they are made from natural and recycled materials. However, many experts disagree. The purpose of these beads was not to purchase slaves, but to make trade possible.

Wooden Beads

If you're looking for a great way to add unique value to your jewelry designs, you may want to purchase African wooden beads wholesale. These beautiful wooden beads have been used for centuries for ritual purposes and can be found in a wide variety of sizes, colors, and materials. They can be combined with other natural materials and can even bring back a memory from the past or give new inspiration. Here's how to find wholesale suppliers of African wooden beads.

Whether you're looking for unique handmade jewelry or just a unique gift for someone special, African wooden beads make a great gift. These beaded necklaces and bracelets can be used for many purposes, including jewelry, bangles, and jewelry. Many of these beads are also used for healing purposes. In addition, they make beautiful jewelry and can be used to create unique statement pieces. These pieces can be made from a variety of materials, such as wood, glass, metal, and even reclaimed materials.

African Bloodstone

If you're looking for a unique gemstone, African Bloodstone beads are a great choice. Made from chalcedony, they range from milky green to a deep green, and feature streaks of red hematite. During ancient times, this stone was thought to have magical powers and could render its wearer invisible. Despite these myths, this gemstone is a beautiful addition to your jewelry collection.

Due to its natural, organic composition, African Bloodstone is often used for its healing properties. It helps to purify the circulatory system and stops hemorrhaging. Due to its properties, it has been associated with strength and longevity. This is why you'll want to purchase African Bloodstone beads wholesale, from suppliers who know their stuff. You'll save a lot of money in the process. You'll find them at affordable prices at wholesale jewelry stores.

Origin of Waist Beads

Wrist beads are a staple of African culture. Ghana, for example, is known for its wide variety of waist-beads. Traditionally, women in Ghana wore them as symbolic adornments and ornaments. In Ghana, they symbolize spirituality, femininity, aristocracy, and wealth. These beads were also traditionally worn by babies during naming ceremonies and by young women during puberty rites. Waist beads are also believed to evoke a deep emotional response in wearers.

The origin of waist beads in Africa isn't fully understood, but they can trace their roots to ancient Egypt. In ancient Egypt, they were called girdles and were worn by women as a mark of aristocracy. The Yoruba people of Ghana and Nigeria made waist beads a cultural symbol and popular accessory. These beads are worn to celebrate womanhood and femininity, as well as fertility, spirituality, and beauty. They are also worn for practical reasons such as measuring one's waist size and to attract sexual attention.

Waist beads are made of a variety of materials and are strung on a fish line or wire. They can vary in size and shape, and can be worn in single or multiple strands. There is no definitive reason why women should wear them; they are simply an element of African culture. The traditional style of waist beads dates back centuries, and many cultures have worn them for generations. They are worn around the waist, and are used to mark various stages of a woman's life.

Buying waist beads from Africa is probably the best way to purchase them. While African markets are the most likely place to find African-made waist beads, some vendors may also have their own websites selling handmade jewelry from the continent. Some of these vendors may even offer custom orders. And since waist beads are so versatile, you can wear them for years to come. In addition to their beauty benefits, they are a great accessory to enhance any outfit.


Beads are widespread in Africa, and there are several types. Some of the exotic woods used to make these pieces are turned into beautiful beads. In Ghana, for example, hippo teeth are fashioned into replicas, and python vertebraes are worn by the royal executioners. Ostrich egg shells are also filed into disks and crafted into beads. Tassels are the final touch to any African beaded piece.

Beads are used for more than adornment. Women in South Africa wear colorful beadwork to mark major life events. The bride receives a bridal apron that features five beaded panels. To mark this important moment in a woman's life, the bride adds more bead embroidery to the apron. Women also decorate everyday objects with beaded coverings, including eggs, dolls, coffee cups, license plates, and more.

Beads from Africa have a long history. The Tuareg people, who live in the Rift Valley in East Africa, trade goods from Timbuktu to Khartoum. Their silversmiths, meanwhile, are renowned for making silver beads. This silver is made from an enriched nickel alloy, and often features antique beads. Some beads are embedded with messages from the Koran. Christian children receive a tassel upon birth.

Beads from Africa have many meanings. They are used as symbols of wealth and status. A young Ghanaian girl wearing several pounds of ancestral beads displays how wealthy her family is. Traders in the Sahara sell tassels for PS500 or more. Many of these beads are resold by dealers in the U.S. and Europe. Beads from Africa are beautiful and functional, and they make wonderful gifts for home and office.