How to Do Seller Feedback on the Amazon App


If you're wondering how to do seller feedback on Amazon, you're not alone. In fact, many sellers struggle with this question. There are many reasons for this. In this article, we'll share some of the most common reasons why sellers fail to achieve higher seller feedback. Managing expectations can help you achieve higher feedback, better product placement, and better sales. But what should you do first? Follow these tips and you'll be well on your way to achieving higher customer satisfaction and better product placement.

Customer reviews are a report card

If you're a seller on Amazon, you already know that the feedback you receive from customers can make or break your business. Your ratings and reviews affect your sales, reputation, and ranking. Think of them like grades: if you get good grades, you're more likely to work harder and pay more attention in class. The same principle applies to feedback on the Amazon app. A positive review can lead to a high rating and, consequently, a high ranking on Amazon.

Fortunately, Amazon has taken action against violators. In April, it sued several companies, alleging that they bought fake reviews to promote their products. They said that these fake reviewers already made purchases and were using a different name. Despite Amazon's efforts to crack down on fake reviews, the problem still persists. And Jessica is one of the sellers who benefits from this asymmetrical system.

While Amazon does not state what constitutes a good seller feedback rating, it does recommend an average rating of ninety five percent or higher over the past 12 months. The total number of positive reviews also counts as a factor in the algorithms Amazon uses to rank sellers. A seller's feedback score is critical if they hope to get a buy box. Most buy box winners have 99% positive feedback over the last twelve months, and 97% positive feedback within the last 30 days. Positive feedback, especially for new sellers, relates to the quality of a product and service, rather than the quantity.

Managing expectations will lead to greater seller feedback

Managing expectations is a crucial part of selling on Amazon. Many sellers over-promise the quality of their products and fail to tell their customers that some products will shrink or wash out. Be upfront about these facts so that your customers aren't disappointed by the end result. You'll also have fewer negative reviews and more positive feedback on Amazon if your customers know what to expect before they buy.

Asking for positive seller feedback is one of the most effective ways to increase the overall number of ratings. Make sure you minimize bad feedback in order to achieve 5 stars. Bad feedback will reflect poorly on your performance and will be perceived negatively by Amazon. To avoid negative feedback, you should strive to offer high-quality products, accurately describe your products, and exceed your customer's expectations. If you do these things, you'll have a much higher rate of positive feedback than negative ones.