How To Attract More Local Customers To Your Boutiques


What if you could boost your boutique's presence in local searches?

What if you could have your boutique show up in the top of the search results when someone searches for boutiques in your area?

Many customers use their smart phones to search for stores to do their shopping in. Shoppers will go to Google, type in a search phrase such as evening dresses, and then Google will show them two or three local stores that sell evening dresses. Unfortunately, out of the thousands of possible stores, Google only shows two or three stores at the top of the search results.

Can you imagine how much you would benefit if your store was the first search result that Google showed shoppers?

If you would like your store's address and phone number to appear at the top of the search results, you need to work on your site's search engine optimization (SEO), and ensure that you update your Google Local Listing with as much detailed information as possible.

If you need guidance with these steps, SEMrush can help you navigate the process, plus give you the information that you will need so that your store's information will appear prominently online.

SEMrush offers a free trial, so you can try out their service, and only pay for a membership if you are satisfied.

Yes, this does involve some work, but can you imagine how many more sales you could make if your store was the first search result that every shopper found on Google?

Make Your Business Visible – Boost Your Local Rankings!