How Much Money Can You Make Selling Journals on Amazon?


If you are a writer and want to sell your work, consider using Amazon to sell your books. They'll handle everything from printing to shipping and will take a cut of the sale price. They also offer a variety of services and options, including custom cover design. With the right skills and product, you can create and sell books for a significant profit. The next step is deciding on a price, and the more unique they are, the higher the profit margin.


Selling journals is an easy side income opportunity and a great way to meet a huge demand. Amazon prints and ships the products for you, and you take a cut of each sale. This type of business requires little to no investment. With free design tools and templates, you can create your own high-quality journals and sit back and watch the money roll in! However, it's important to know that your earning potential will vary depending on your strategy and consistency.

If you're selling a low-priced book, you'll need to reach a targeted audience. Adding more products to your listing will increase your chances of getting customers. Adding more products will also increase the chances of them landing on your profile. You can bundle your products under one listing. In addition to selling books on Amazon, you can also sell digital journals on platforms like Etsy.


When you sell digital journals, you can use the popularity of the Internet to drive sales. However, in order to make the most money, you must find a way to reach an audience that is already interested in these types of products. For example, you can sell your journals on Etsy. If you're already familiar with Esty, you can sell your journals there as well. However, if you don't know how to get started on Etsy, you can try selling your digital journals on Amazon.

As with any other online business, the most important thing to remember when selling your products is to focus on niches. A general women's journal will not sell because there are more than 70,000 listings on Amazon. Instead, target a niche market, such as gardening journals for children or pink dream journals for women. It's important to choose the right niche, however, to avoid getting overly competitive. Then, do keyword research to make sure your book sells well and has little competition.

KDP select

If you are considering selling your journals on Amazon, you might be wondering how to select KDP. KDP stands for Kindle Direct Publishing, and it offers a number of benefits to authors. For example, it allows authors to choose which territories to sell their books in, and offers promotional tools to help their book sell. However, if you are thinking of selling your journal on Amazon as an eBook, you need to know how to select KDP before making the sale.

You must first know that KDP does not work for first-time authors because readers can't purchase second-book-in-progress. Besides, your first book will not be marketed with KDP, so you should create an email list to encourage readers to sign up for your email list and receive updates. In addition, KDP Select offers discount days to increase your readership. However, you must be aware that KDP Listing does require active advertising. You can use social media to share new releases and teasers of works-in-progress. In addition, you should also share your work with reading collectives. You can also join genre-specific reader communities, like GoodReads and Reedsy Discovery.

Kindle Direct Publishing

If you're looking for a way to make some extra cash, you can sell your own journal books on Amazon. Amazon prints, ships and sells journals, and they receive millions of visitors each month. This is the easiest way to make a few extra bucks, as you don't have to spend any money marketing outside of Amazon. All you need to do is create a high quality journal and sit back and watch the money roll in.

The best part about selling journals on Amazon is that it's extremely easy to create your own book. You don't need expensive tools or design software. You can even use free design software, like Canva, to make a simple journal. You won't need a website or any expensive tools to get started, and Amazon will list your book for free. Once sold, Amazon deducts the cost of printing from your profit.

Kindle Store

If you've ever wondered how to make money online, journal sales are a great way to do so. There's a huge demand for this type of product, and you can profit from that. This is an easy side income that requires no investment. All you need are some high-quality journals, and you can do the rest. Using free design tools and a good keyword research program, you can easily produce a high-quality product and watch the money roll in.

The Amazon KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) instructions state that you can publish a journal within five minutes. Your product will be listed in Kindle stores worldwide within 48 hours. Amazon KDP gives you 70% royalties on the sale of your product, and offers other incentives such as Kindle Unlimited and Kindle Owners' Lending Library. Once your journal has reached the first page of search results, it will be listed on Amazon's website.

Kindle Store select

Selling journals on Amazon is a very profitable side business. If you sell high-quality, printable journals, you can sell thousands of them each month for hundreds of dollars. There are millions of customers visiting Amazon each month, so selling a product on Amazon is a great side business. Even better, there's no investment required to get started. With free design tools available online, anyone can make a high-quality journal and sell it for a profit.

Create attractive covers for your journals. The cover is probably the most important part of the work process. A great cover can make or break a journal's sale. Make it more attractive than the competition and stand out from a sea of notebooks. You can get templates from Canva, or you can create a design yourself with a free eBook creation program called Sqribble. The software is inexpensive and easy to use.