How Can a Student With OPT Sell on Amazon?


So you want to sell on Amazon, but don't know how to get an approval letter. The good news is that you can get an authorization letter if you're a student. In the US, this type of authorization is known as OPT, or Optional Practical Training. It is authorized by the federal government to both graduate and undergraduate students for a year. Unfortunately, this type of authorization has some significant disadvantages, especially for aspiring entrepreneurs.

OPT is authorized by the federal government

If you're an immigrant with a green card, you may be wondering how to sell on Amazon. The federal government has provided the program and it requires full-time employment in a field related to the field of study. You can apply to work for the program, and the government will give you permission to do so. The program is a great way to get your product in front of Amazon's millions of potential customers.

It is granted to both undergraduate and graduate students

Financial aid is a vital part of a college education, and graduate students have some advantages over undergraduate students. For one, graduate students may qualify for the FAFSA, or Free Application for Federal Student Aid, which is a government program aimed at helping students attend college. Undergraduate students may not qualify for FAFSA, but they can still qualify for other federal funding, including Pell Grants. Graduate students may qualify for additional programs and aid.

Undergraduate students must apply by submitting an application that includes their project proposal, budget request, and unofficial transcript. Graduate students must submit a statement describing their mentorship and addressing their goals and values. Both undergraduate and graduate students must have a faculty mentor and submit a Research Mentor Support Form, which must be signed by the professor. Undergraduates must provide contact information for one academic advisor or professor, and they must have submitted a letter of recommendation from another graduate student. Faculty reviewers evaluate the application for its merit. They will determine if the research question is clear, appropriate methodology is used to address it, and the student is prepared to pursue it.

It is effective for 12 months

OPT allows a graduate or undergraduate student to work for up to a year in the United States after completing their degree program. However, this option has several drawbacks for entrepreneurs. For example, you cannot relate your job to your undergrad degree. Furthermore, you must apply for the program at least a year before you're eligible to work. Luckily, there are a few ways to make your 12-month OPT work for you.