Commercial Car Insurance For Your Retail Or Wholesale Business


Commercial car insurance is essential for any retail or wholesale business that uses its own owned or leased commercial vehicles in the course of business activities such as transporting wholesale products, or other business related activities. Commercial car insurance has some of the same requirements as other types of insurance. The first requirement is to have proof of liability coverage. This means that all damages, whether from a third party or your vehicle, are covered. The second requirement is to have proof of coverage in the event of an accident.

Note, if you are planning on using an electric powered vehicle for your business, you will want to make sure that your insurance company offers policies for electric vehicles.

Commercial auto insurance differs from personal auto insurance in several ways. While personal car insurance is designed specifically for personal vehicles which are used for business or that which you personally own, commercial car insurance is designed for vehicles which are owned by a company. This would include vehicles which you personally own and vehicles that you procure for a company you run.

The main difference between these policies is that the insurance provided is based on the risk of loss. For example, if you were to drive into a construction site and damage one of the trucks on your way to work, you are at fault. Geico, however, has its own separate policies and procedures for those situations. For businesses, this means that Geico will provide them with protection against liability and property damage which happen during their operations. Geico will take responsibility for injuries or property damage caused by their insured businesses.

One important factor to note is that there are limits set on the number of miles per year that your commercial auto policy can be driven. These limits typically apply to the driver of the insured vehicle. An example of this is that if you are driving one vehicle for fifteen miles per year and the vehicle is used only for work, the insurance on that vehicle can not exceed fifteen miles per year. This applies to both vehicles involved in the operation of that particular job. However, the actual mileage that is driven may be covered under the Geico policy and may be subject to approval by the company.

Many people do not realize that the company requires their drivers to maintain both the commercial auto insurance policies and the personal auto insurance policies at the same time. The reason for this is because the company needs to consider the possibilities of liability and damage that may occur during a job. This is done through the use of the so-called minimum requirements. When an employee's car is damaged, the employee is required to submit proof of coverage to the insurer in order to make sure that the damage is properly compensated.

What is meant by the uninsured motorist coverage pays for property damage that occurs to another person's vehicle. When you have a liability policy, this part of the policy kicks in as soon as your automobile is hit. The next thing to note about uninsured motorist coverage pays for damage that happens to another person's vehicle in the process of an accident. In the event that the insured fails to file a claim for this damage, then the liable party's insurance company will be forced to cover the cost of the damages. For many people, this can be quite a reassuring element.

Other elements involved in commercial auto insurance policy also include physical damage coverage and bodily injury coverage. When a vehicle is involved in an accident, it is important to know that the bodily injury clause will cover the costs for the passengers and anyone else who may be injured as a result of the accident. Physical damage coverage will pay for damage to the insured's vehicles and anything else that was stolen from the cars in question. These particular insurance requirements can often be a little bit more expensive than some other forms of coverage, but they are certainly worthwhile for anyone who owns several vehicles on a regular basis.

The final aspect to take a look at when getting commercial auto insurance quotes is the type of coverage that is provided. All insurance providers offer a variety of different types of coverage. Each one will pay out in different circumstances, depending upon what caused the accident. It is important to have a good understanding of what each type of insurance policy covers and how it differs from others. By doing so, you can make sure that your insurance policy is going to cover everything that you need it to.

Below is a list of a few providers of commercial car insurance:

You can also choose to use an insurance broker to search for the best possible policy for your business: