Can You Sell Train Tickets on eBay?


If you are thinking of selling train tickets on eBay, you must be sure that you make your intentions clear in your listing. The laws regarding the resale of tickets are murky. eBay claims that you are covered by Section 46, but the wording doesn't actually seem to refer to reselling tickets. What should you do instead? Below are some alternatives to this business model. Read on to find out more about these risks and dangers.


If you've purchased a train ticket and it's now in your possession, you may be wondering how to fix the problem. There are a few steps you can take to ensure your purchase is successful. First, try contacting the seller directly. If you can't reach them, you can try contacting eBay. Generally, the issue can be resolved within 48 hours. If the issue is with a train ticket, contact eBay and they should be able to help.


You may have purchased a train ticket, but now you want to get rid of it. There are a few things you can do to avoid getting into trouble, including selling your train ticket on eBay. First, the law does not allow you to resell train tickets, even if you are an authorised person. This is required by Section 46 of the Railways Act 2005. This legislation prevents you from selling tickets that are not your own, and it applies to both UK and Irish railways.

Secondly, you should never sell an invalid train ticket. Many fake websites will charge you the double fare for the train ticket, which will cost you a further PS50 to return. Moreover, the fine can get you arrested and you may even face a court summons. If you are caught selling a fake train ticket, you will face severe penalties, including jail time. The fine is usually ten times higher than the single fare, and if you fail to pay it, you could end up in court.