Buying Wholesale Michael Kors Handbags
Michael Kors handbags are one of the most popular wholesale designer bags in the world. Michael Kors is a designer that has been around for decades and has perfected the art of making fashionable accessories. He has become so well known that his handbags can be bought by anyone, even if they do not know his name. There are many other designer brands that produce top notch designer handbags, but none have achieved the popularity and the reverence that the Kors brand has gained. You can see Michael Kors handbags being sold in leading department stores such as Macy's, Bloomingdale's, and Dillard's, through their own website,, and through online retailers such as Amazon and Overstock.
You can also find these handbags at outlets, and on clearance racks at department stores, which can sometimes offer the bags at such discounted prices that you can have the opportunity to enjoy a decent potential profit margin if you want to resell the bags.
It all started in 1977 when Michael took a leave from his job as an advertising executive to focus on his handbag business full time. Since then, he has made a name for himself by creating designer handbags that are both beautiful and luxurious. The bags that he creates are extremely well crafted and stylish, making them the perfect addition to any wardrobe. They are also affordable, so even people on a tight budget can afford them.
The majority of Kors handbags are made in Paris, France. This is where he gets the bags that are sold in specialty boutiques all over the world. Many of the bags are sold only for show. In order to ensure that his handbags are made with true craftsmanship, Michael takes special orders from his customers. Only the best designers work with him to create these bags.
One of the most popular styles that he creates is a black leather bag that is rectangular. The front has a zipper closure on each side. These bags feature gold decorated stitching along the seams and are also finished with raised stitches that resemble Swarovski crystals. There are several different sizes of these designer bags. Some are small, medium and large, just like your average handbag.
Another line of handbags is the evening handbags. These handbags are usually made out of leather. They feature a closure of either a zipper or a snap. In addition, they feature a polished finish and can often be used as a clutch purse. The lining of many of these bags is white or black. In addition, they sometimes come with a detachable strap.
Many of the handbags have a unique hand-painted design on them. These designs are often intricate and take a lot of skill to complete. They are generally very high quality and quite expensive. Michael makes these bags in his own studio in Paris. Although the prices are high, because they are so beautiful, many people are willing to pay the extra money to own them. These bags are made only once and then they are sold to the public.
The Pursuit Collection is one of the most popular handbags by Michael Kors. This collection features handbags that are made from genuine leather. They feature many different styles, such as the micro bag and the evening bag. They also include wallets, bookmarks, and keys.
Michael Kors handbags can be found at many different locations, both in stores and online. Many department stores carry them, as well as many online stores. They can be purchased directly from the designer, or at discount stores. The bags can also be purchased from estate sales and flea markets.
The micro bags are made to be the perfect size for packing just a few items. They can fit in your purse and still have room left over. Because they are small, they are ideal for overnight trips and vacation trips. You can pack all of your daily necessities in this kind of bag. There are various colors to choose from.
The evening purses by Michael Kors are elegant and classy. They feature an intricate style, which is made from crystals and other materials. They are also large, and spacious handbags. Some of them even have an attached mirror. They make a wonderful gift for a woman who is attending an evening event.
One of the best things about Michael Kors handbags is that they are so comfortable. Because they are so well designed, they mold to the body, making carrying them a delightful experience. They are designed to give the best comfort that is possible. You will not have to worry about hurting yourself carrying these handbags, because they ensure that you are carrying something that is safe and comfortable.
One of the most cost effective methods for retailers to purchase brand name handbags at below wholesale prices, is by purchasing department store overstock and store return handbag pallets. These pallets, available through auction websites such as and, consist of bags that the retailer did not sell, or were returned to the retailer by customers who purchased them.
You might also consider purchasing slightly used preowned Michael Kors handbags through sites such as:
You might be able to find a hardly used handbag at a drastically reduced price. As long as you disclose the condition to your customer, you should be able to find a buyer for the handbag, provided that you price it right. If you need to have a Michael Kors handbag repaired, and the bag is still under its first year warranty, the company will fix it free of charge:
If the bag cannot be repaired under its original warranty, but you still need it repaired, check out:
You can also try to set up a retail account to purchase wholesale directly from Michael Kors: