Black and White Striped Pattern Wholesale Dresses by Tally Taylor


When you are going to a party, a nice long dress is what takes to make you look glamorous and classy. That is exactly what you can expect from this wholesale Tally Taylor black and white striped dress. It has a nice flare at the bottom and a perfect shape at the waist area. The velvety fabric of this dress makes a perfect impression in the crowd when you wear it. The finishing of this dress is very fine and comes with a high-quality stitching that looks flawless from every angle. There are assorted patterns all over the dress in black and white that looks very stylish and has a modern touch to the design too.

You can order these wholesale Tally Taylor dresses and save more too. This particular dress comes with a 3/4th sleeve and an attractive rhinestone brooch. It makes the dress look grand and expensive, while it really not quite expensive to own. You can find various different sizes in this dress to suit your personality. The fitting is very comfortable and makes it a perfect dress for special occasions such as a corporate party, ballroom party, a wedding or even a special date.

This amazing dress can be paired either with stunning black shoes or glowing white ones. A pair of diamond earrings goes well with this dress too. You can find four different patterns in this dress and choose the one that fits your taste. There is another white/black dress with the opposite color pattern but has the same design. You can even find a plain black or a plain white dress with similar rhinestone brooch. The white one looks more like silver which can give a royal look when you wear it. All these dresses can be ordered in bulk if you want to save some money and make a profit out of it.